Saturday 22 September 2012

For fun I analysed the first 450 completed surveys for gender differences.
And let me start by putting your mind at ease, self-assessed happiness itself is not different between men and women.
Each of the following things are significantly different between men and women.
Strongest difference is ranked at the top.

How often you dance.  *****  ♀>
Time spent on hobbies. ***** ♂>
Involvement in own food preparation: ***** ♀>
Quality of sex life. ***** ♀>
Love received from partner. ***** ♀>
Engagement in community. **** ♀>
Books read per year. **** ♀>
How grateful you feel. ** ♀>
How relaxed you feel. ** ♂>
Level of education. ** ♀>
Responsibility for family. ** ♀>
Trust in partner. ** ♀>
Hours of sleep. ** ♀>
Dietary supplements. ** ♀>
Kindness received. ** ♀>
Usefulness highest education. * ♀>
Level of risk. * ♀>
Time spent with parnter. * ♀>
Chronic pain. * ♀>
Spare time. * ♀>
Time spent volunteering. * ♀>

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